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The activities of this dog are sanctioned by Pez Outlaw. 0k9 Licensed To Dig. |
Billy Two Knives - Black Great Dane - Ears not cut.
When I met Billy Two Knives, first eye contact. I gave her a treat then held her head gently, put my face in hers so I could peek into her soul n told her she was home.
Billy was found by the nephew of a friend tied to a tree in winter. The nephew went to the house and offered the people $100.00 for Billy, which they happily accepted. After a week he realized she was to much dog for there little family, so his aunt brought Billy to us. To his credit the nephew didn't mention the $100.00 he'd spent to save her, to the contrary he sent food collar leash etc.
How did Billy Two Knives get her name?
Very early on after her arrival at our home we came into the room to see Billy running around the living room with an open pair of scissors in her mouth. To my knowledge there is no Indian word for scissors, so I logically concluded that an Indian name for her would be Billy Two Knives. I take my fractional Indian Heritage seriously.
That's Why We Can't Have Nice Things
If Billy makes it to 1 year old, I think she just might be OK.
You know how on TV shows they start in the present then they shift back to 3 days ago or 13 hours earlier. I hate that, but here we are. This story happened 24 hours ago.
Every day at 2pm we go out for mid-day chores. So far so good, until Kathryn Ann says where's Billy. I tell her, no problem I gotta go in to get the hose (hose freezes if left outside) in 5 minutes, I'll get Billy then.
Well it's home alone all over again. Five to ten minutes inside the house alone n Billy had chewed up another ink pen, "CARPET ART". Billy is very very tall n on top of the refrigerator is about the only place ink pens are safe. That's not the scary part, just the side bit. When I found Billy she was running, yes running around the living room with an open pare of scissors in her mouth. One of the two handles in her mouth scissors wide open, just tearing about. Five minutes that's all, just five minutes n we go straight to running with scissors. Sofas n chairs survived, somehow.
I know, I know to crazy to believe, but trust me you can not make that kind of shit up. On another note, Billy has also learned how to turn the handle on the back door n let herself back in the house. Well crap, what next. If she does not kill herself, I think we are gonna be fine.
And that reader is why we can not have nice things. Well that n being poor. Otherwise nothin stoppin us.
Billy Power
Here's something I'd like to point out to anyone thinking a BIG Dog is a good idea. They are but please take the following into consideration. Billy poops 4 to 5 times every day, she's a pup, a big one but a pup n pups poop. I run Billy twice a day for a total of about 3 hours while I do daily Horse chores. Three hours n she does not get even a tiny bit tired. Bill's energy level is frightening, she has a very high metabolism. Lots of food in, lots of poop out. Training is constant, Measured corrections are constant. The dog is BIG n before you know it they start thinking there name is No Billy settle down. Seriously folks don't get A BIG Dog unless you understand these things, it's not good for the dog.
Me I love BIG Dogs, but they are not a good idea for everybody. Pink n Bill are perfect examples of to much dog for your average family, which is why they chose me.
One more thing. Every morning I like to start the day with a little love from Tootsie Princess Danger Mouse, she's just to cute for words n always makes me laugh. Laughing the very first thing when you get up in the morning is a very precious gift. Well now Billy wants in on it. So you got a 50 pound pup acting like a 3 pound pup. Much mayhem ensues. Toots grabs a finger, Bill grabs an arm. Toots bounces on your leg, Bill jumps on your shoulders. Toots runs like a shot out of a canon at ankle level under n around every thing. Bill crashes at hip level into everything. It's still funny n yes I laugh a lot, but at the same time the potential for destruction is very frightening to say the least. Toots n Bill are yin n yang, twins.
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